Friday, December 7, 2012
Finding Twinkle Arabella
Awaking this morning I was in surprise I could move. After going up and down a ladder decorating with garland on top of the kitchen cabinets I didn't think I would be able to move this morning. That wonderful massage from Stan last night must have left my muscles in better shape than I had anticipated they would be this morning.
As I lay in bed "waking up" Stan told me he couldn't find Twinkle Arabella. He told me it didn't look like she had been to her litter box, nor did her food bowl look to have been touched overnight. She wasn't hiding in the library or guest room, which is where she sometimes sneaks off too. She likes to hide behind the curtains on the windowsill. Stan walked the neighborhood for a long time looking. I could tell he was very concerned. I'm sure he knew I would be heart broken, and I was. My heart felt heavy and my spirit dampened.
I got up from the bed and began looking. Stan said he had looked in the garage, but I went out there anyway. I even climbed the stairs to the attic and called for her. Nowhere was she found. Then I began to cry. We have only had her since May 16, but we both love her, even Chloe-Sofia, though she chases her and poor kitty runs from her. ;) As I cried I could feel the big tears rolling down my cheeks. I sat on the floor and then thought..."Pray!" I asked The Lord to please help us find our sweet Twinkle Arabella. My heart was sickened to think of where our little cat had gone. Was she with another family? Had she gone somewhere to...die?
Stan asked if I wanted him to make signs when he went to the church to rehearse with a cast member. He was getting ready to leave and I was crying. I knew he had done all he could and had to go. Then as I sat on the floor I prayed. I asked God to please bring Twinkle Arabella home. When Stan was about to get in the truck I asked him if he had looked in the hood of the truck. He "popped" the hood and closed the truck door. He opened the hood; I was standing in the kitchen door and I heard a soft meow. Then again. Stan heard it. She wasn't in the hood. She was on a tire. She jumped down and came running to me in the kitchen doorway. I crouched down, tears on my face and she nuzzled my face. Our sweet kitty was home again. Despite both of us going out into the garage and calling her she had not responded. Stan said if we hadn't checked he could have ran over her. I have a feeling she would have jumped down when she heard the truck crank. Her little paws were cold and she rubbed my nose with her's as she sat in my lap. How often do we "lose" something we love, or someone?
God is often waiting for us to ask. He can do whatever it is we need or desire without asking, but often He wants to hear us ask. It pleases Him when we ask for His direction and help. It shows Him that we are dependent on Him and need Him. Don't we all want to feel we are needed? Perhaps God not only wants us to exercise our faith but I would think it pleases Him that we recognize our need for Him. He is faithful to us, even when we aren't faithful to him. For that I am grateful. I know I often let Him down, but never does He let me down.
How often do we in the midst of our tears ask God to help us? I searched for just a few minutes, which seemed like much longer. Then I prayed. Within minutes Twinkle Arabella was found. I am reminded quite often God does care about the details of our lives! Even that of our pets. He knows they are special to us. Thank you God for keeping our sweet Twinkle Arabella safe and bringing her home. :) ♥ Merry CHRISTmas Jesus! Merry CHRISTmas friends and family!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuscaloosa Copper Top Bar Shootings
There has been much talk in the news today (July 17, 2012) about the Copper Top Bar shootings. My thoughts are not intended to be rude or upset anyone, but simply just my thoughts.
While I am not one who chooses to spend my nights in bars I love my friends; yes even those who go to bars and pubs. I am one for the forgiveness Jesus brings. People often judge others because of the places they go. I'm praying for the victims and their families as well as the shooter and his.
It's only by God's grace and mercy that I am forgiven. I have plenty of faults; sometimes eating too much junk food, not getting the rest I know I need for my physical health, striving for perfectionism when sometimes I just need to give "my project" to God. My list could go on and on of things I haven't done right or don't. Has anyone who is assuming things about these people stopped to think that one or more of these people could have been there because they were "hanging out" with a friend who chose to be there? Perhaps like a lot of young adults they just "went along." Have any of us ever done that, if not now, in our past? Did those people deserve to be shot? If this had happened in McDonald's, which it has in other cities would the same things be said?
The man charged is my age. How sad that is! Nathan Van Wilkins, 44, is in jail with a $2 million bond. He faces 18 attempted murder charges. He was taken into custody after turning himself in at a business 50 miles away in Jasper. Police say 17 people were injured, four with critical wounds. One is said to be severely critical. How would you feel if you were the parent of the 44 year old man? What if you were the parent of one of those shot?
I believe in staying away from places I know aren't where I need to be as a Christian. The key word here is I, ME...not anyone else. Not everyone is convicted about the same things that I am or that you may be. God is my judge and the one I answer to. Maybe we should all think before we speak so loudly. "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." - James 1:19
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
How can it be that I have not posted, blogged or put anything on here since last June? Could it be because we were selling our home? Mom Henson died. We packed, found a house and moved all in 20 days! Anyone who has sold a home knows it is a full time job to keep everything in the house perfect at all times. A house is being sold for people to live in and yet it is not to look like it is lived in while you are selling it. I suppose the last few months have been so busy that they have consumed my time for any writing or blogging. Good things are happening. I'm yet adjusting to being back in Tuscaloosa, miss our friends in Little Rock but thankful to be back home in Alabama near our family. God is good and always amazes me by how he works! We just have to wait on him!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year,
Northport, AL, USA
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